Easy Health, Wellness, and Weight Loss Diet.
by Diane M. Hoffmann
So many people are looking for the perfect diet -- either to lose weight or get healthier or both. Usually it's both. And there are indeed many of them around. But a lot of the programs are too cumbersome to follow.
One of the things that people are looking for in a diet program is SIMPLICITY. I followed different types of programs over the years which worked somewhat but which still contained harmful foods. About a year ago I wrote a truly healthy-eating program from much of the reading and research I did.
It came with recipes and all, but it became too cumbersome to follow. Sometimes when I didn’t have the time to plan the meals ahead or didn't have the ingredients for the particular recipe on any particular days, I would have to either go to the store and buy the missing staples or substitute it with something bad which would get me off track.
So, I simplified. And I would love to share the program with you. If you're looking for a program just click on the tab above.
So many folks are suffering from actual diseases. I meet them all the time. Just the other day I ran into a couple in the grocery store. Both suffer from various common diseases. Both are over-weight.
As they tell me their tales of woes and assure me they watch what they eat, I glance into their grocery basket and see 90% of the products are dead wrong!
I'm thinking, "I can fix you if you'd only eat what I tell you to eat and not to eat". But that's the problem, we want to get better but still stuff ourselves with junk foods. And, hey, I know junk foods taste good!
Our diet today is killing us slowly. We could empty the hospitals by 50 to 75 percent if we changed it.
People think they eat well. But when I give them the test in my consultation, they fail it woefully. When I ask them to do the "1-week list of what they eat" and analyze it, it is 90% wrong.
People are looking for a diet that's easy to follow, they don't want to have to count calories, skip meals, fight cravings, buy expensive supplements -- and all that for short term benefits or none at all.
Well the simple way is to cut out the bad stuff and replace it with good living foods. Yes that means cut out the sugars and refined and processed foods.
You say, "that's hard to do." Well only at the beginning. A good diet requires a change of lifestyle in our eating habits. Depends how badly you want to get well or lose the weight. Depends on how serious you are. Depends on how tired you are of being sick and tired.
And it doesn't mean you'll never, ever be able to eat ice cream or chocolate and chips, etc. again. It means you will have to change the priorities around. Once you get through the first couple of weeks of re-conditioning your body, you will start a second nature with your foods habits.
The easy part is that "dieting begins at the grocery store". If you make a list of the right foods to eat, you just need to buy what' s on the list. How easy is that?
And you will no longer have the wrong foods in the house to tempt you. Plus you'll feel so good that you will not want to get back to the old ways./dmh
Articles copyright(c)2010 Diane M. Hoffmann. You may reprint this article without any changes, making sure to include the following bio:
Diane M. Hoffmann is a certified nutritional consultant and an entrepreneur of offline and online businesses. Diane offers her web site http://easyhealthwellnessweightlossdiet.blogspot.com on health, diet and stress management for business people who need to keep healthy and strong in order to run their businesses.
For my "Feel Great and Lose Weight Within the First Week" click on the tab at the top of the page.
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