My Easy Diet

Are you tired of feeling sick and tired or overweight?

The 21-day Health & Weight
Recovery Challenge
(Feel Great and Lose Weight
Within the First Week)

Do you suffer from fatigue, headaches, obesity, gout, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart problems, panic attacks, thyroid problems, diabetes poor circulation, acid reflux, digestive problems, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, celiac disease, prostate problems, cholesterol, incontinence, constipation, etc., etc., etc.?

Are you looking for a practical, inexpensive, easy and long-lasting diet
to implement in your life once and for all?

Are you tired of having to count calories, skip meals, fight cravings, buy expensive supplements -- and for what? Short term benefits or none at all?

Don't need to lose weight? 
No problem just eat more of the good food!

Well, I have something to share with you...

 Hi, Diane Hoffmann here, certified nutritional consultant.

I've been there and done that. But, I found a simple and easy way to improve health, wellness and weight loss. And that is to take a breather, slow down, change your eating life-style and let the positive results move in fast one day at a time for the rest of your life. And it all begins with my "21-day Health and Weight Recovery Challenge" NOW.

I want to share that with you and send you my exciting "Feel Great Within 1 Week Program" that I follow personally to improve my own health, diet and weight by 100%.

What if I don't need to lose weight?
If you don't need to lose weight - you simply eat more of the good foods on the list to get or stay healthy and well and get rid of the unwanted chronic ills, aches and pains in your body.

What happens after the 21 days?
Depending on your situation, you simply rotate. If you need to lose 20 lbs, you can achieve that within the 21-day challenge. If you need to lose more weight, you simply rotate the challenge, which has become your new way of eating anyway, until you reach your goal.

And if losing weight is not your goal but health improvement is, again you keep rotating until you get better.

Your personal journey success

Don't look at an end result.  Look at a journey. Look at a tide going out from the day you decide to start your personal easy health, wellness, and weight loss diet program "The 21-day health & Weight Recovery Challenge" that will make you "Feel Great and Lose Weight Within 1 Week" and continue until you reach your personal goals.

Embrace the 4-letter "D" word.

A lot of folks dislike the word "diet" so much so that they've even banned the word from their home and vocabulary. I've tried to omit it in my promotion of diet programs. 

However let's call it what it is.  But let's understand what it means...

The Latin and Greek words "diaeta" and "díaita" simply means "a manner of living", "a place for living".  It refers to food and drink habitually taken, especially considered in relation to quantity, quality and its effects. For example, different cultures have different diets -- or food habits or manner of living.

Today, we use it more in terms of foods regulated by health professionals for the prevention or cure of disease to attain certain physical conditions such as losing weight or controlling blood pressure, etc.

So instead of fearing the word or banning it, let's embrace it for what it is. And let's use it to describe our personal eating habits. For example, I personally live on a "Continuous Health and Wellness Lifestyle Diet".

Do you want to get to your ideal wellness 
and weight and keep it there?

I'll show you how to do that by following two simple sheets of "Foods to Delight" and "Foods to Shun".

Diet begins at the grocery store.

All you have to do is buy what's on the "Foods to Delight" at your grocery store and prepare your meals as you wish. I will send you daily emails with sample recipes and tips during your 21-day challenge.

You will be able to "mix and match" the foods on the "Foods to Delight" sheet in a habitual way that will keep you  losing weight, healthy and well for -- the rest of your life , really... as long as you stay on the "Foods to Delight".

And believe me you will get so used to it, it will become second nature. You won't even have to think about it any more.

No more counting calories, skipping meals, fighting cravings, buying expensive supplements -- for short-term benefits or none at all.

What about cravings?

Within a couple of days you will see the cravings begin to disappear.

What about cheating and messing up a day?

I show you how to handle these with ease and simplicity in my daily support emails. I will send you also a beautiful print of "Your 4 KEYS to stay motivated in your journey to Health, Wellness and Happiness" which you can hang up in a prominent place as your daily reminder.

What about support? Can I do this?

Yes you can do this! I will be there with you every day, supporting you, encouraging you and bringing you up-dates and tips on the program by e-mail. You will not be alone.

After the first week, you will feel so good that you will want to continue on.  You won't want to go back to the depressing feelings of fatigue and over-weight, the burdens of chronic ailments and aches and pains, caused by the inflammation upon the cells and organs of your body, from the accumulation of residues and toxins of the wrong and destructive foods .

The new feeling of free, light and energy.

Instead, you will experience the freedom of feeling good, light and energetic.  Within the first week, you will feel better, then great before week's end.  If you suffer from panic attacks, depression, lethargic, and such, that'll be gone! Because these are usually caused by wrong food intake. And other illnesses and diseases as listed at the beginning of this page will also begin to fade away. The second week, you will feel so good that you will not want to get off the program-- but will want to continue.

Will this be difficult?  
Will I have to deny myself of some foods?

Yes it will be difficult -- a little, at the onset. It's always difficult to change habits.  But the program is fun and easy because I have made it as simple as possible to follow. And after the 21 days, you will be a different person. The excitement of doing the right thing, losing weight quickly and feeling better will overcome the hard part. And I will be there daily by email to encourage you in your first weeks. And yes you will have to deny yourself certain foods -- that's why the "Foods to Shun" list. You do have to be serious about taking on this challenge. I'm looking for determined people who want to get better and lose the weight they've been trying to lose for years.  I'm looking for winners like you!

But the "Foods to Delight" list makes it easy. You just follow that.

As for losing weight, if you only need to lose 10 lbs, it will come fast.  But if you need to lose 100 lbs, it will take longer. You simply rotate the 21-day challenge until you reach your goal. But the feeling better will start right away within the first week. If you stick to the diet perfectly, you can lose 1 lb a day easy on average.  The same goes for the health part.  If you have some serious ailments and illnesses, they will take longer than some others less stubborn. But again you will begin to feel better from the very first couple of days and increasingly so day after day, week after week.

Let's face the facts. Nothing comes easy. But that's because for years we have conditioned our bodies to certain foods -- hence the cravings.  But our body is so fearfully and wonderfully made that it is very resilient and obedient to our input.

Our body is like a manufacturing plant - every cell is a little machine that's designed to do it's specialized part in the process - you give them what they need and they will do what they're supposed to do automatically.  But feed them the wrong elements (nutrients in the body) and everything goes awry.

Once you get through that first week, you'll be sailing. You'll get used to buy the right foods from the source -- your grocery store. Nothing bad will be in your kitchen, therefore you won't be tempted to slip off. (Except for some of the foods your family members will buy for themselves... but I deal with that in my daily support emails).

Will I feel good about myself?

You sure will.  Within the first week you'll be so happy about your new "you" that you will be on a roll to continue. Every day will become easier and your new diet will become part of you as a second nature. A new lifestyle. And that's the goal.

I'm not saying that out of the air.  I'm speaking from experience.  That's what happened to me once I found how to do it right. I'm not saying that to sell you the program either.  Firstly I'm not trying to sell you. I'm merely wanting to share something that I know has worked for me and that will make you feel better.

I want others to feel good also.  I want to see others get healthier, get well, lose weight, feel better.  Because I know how depressing feeling sick and overweight is. I feel the pain when I meet so many people on a daily basis who share their struggle with bad health and overweight problems. I just had to do something about it.

Healthy is normal. Sick is not. Foods have the first part in getting us better -- then we can see the doctor if something continues to persist.

But first, we have to eliminate all the ills that are caused by wrong food intake... wrong diet ... wrong "manner of living" -- the wrong elements in the manufacturing process.

What about supplement -- are they needed?

When we eat well, we don't need all those exotic supplements that cost money.  I tell you in my daily support e-mails, the 3 basic supplements you do need. Those 3 basic supplements alone will take care of most of the chronic ills and aches. After that I will guide you in obtaining anything else that you might still have to add to your diet, using examples of the most common diseases and even according to your particular situation if you send me your questions.

Diane, is it really all as good as you say it is?

As I said, I'm sharing this from my own experience and the experience of others who have followed this type of program in avoiding the wrong foods and enjoying the right foods.  It is a rare thing that someone would not respond positively to improving their food intake -- actually I don't know of any such thing. If every one ate proper foods, we could empty the doctors offices and hospitals by 50% - 70%, no kidding.

Such a program may not get rid of all ills and medical conditions but it will eliminate those chronic ailments that are caused by wrong eating -- and there are plenty, like fatigue, headaches, overweight, inflammation that cause gout and arthritis, panic attacks, high blood pressure, diabetes, improper circulation, acid reflux, digestive problems, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, prostate problems, cholesterol, incontinence, constipation that cause hemorroids, etc., etc., etc.

Do You Want This Practical,
Inexpensive, Easy and Long-lasting 
Diet Program to Implement in Your Life 
Once and For All?

Then get my "21-day Health & Weight
Recovery Challenge"

If followed properly, you will
Feel Great and Lose Within the First Week
of Starting Your Easy Health, Wellness, and Weight Loss Diet. 

If you follow the program as outlined, you will have results within one week. You will eat well, you will eat a healthy variety of foods. You will lose the cravings within days. With each day you will get better and lose weight, you will increase energy, feel lighter and more free in your body movements and joints.

My guarantee...
If you do not get the results I talk about in here and which I received myself by following this program, write to me and tell me about it and I will arrange for a refund.

And here's what you get in your program: 

~ the guideline and detail information with tips and samples of recipes,

~ your personal "Goal Planning Sheet",

~ the list of "Foods to Delight",

~ the list of "Foods to Shun",

~ my daily support e-mails and a link to send me your questions which I will answer personally,

~my tips and information on vitamins and herbal supplements for prevention and reversal of common diseases.


When followed properly, this program works in synergy to re-balance your body, sugars and inflammation that cause most chronic illnesses and fatigue.  It will start you off on your "New Eating Habits for Health, Wellness and Weight Loss" that will take you to 
"Your Personal Place of Wellness". 

And it's only $27 -- right now.  

So, don't miss out for anything on this opportunity and on your own health, wellness, and weight loss new beginning  ... you deserve success and feeling your best in your life.

You're only one click of the PayPal button away to starting to feel great and lose weight within your first week...

Just click on the PayPal button up on the right column of this page just below the food pyramid graphic --->>>

I'm really looking forward to personally work with you and help you to finally make your dream come true to lose weight and feel great.

Diane Hoffmann
