About me

Hi... Diane Hoffmann here creator of this Easy Health, Wellness, and Weight Loss Diet called "The 21-day health & Weight Recovery Challenge". You can read about it by clicking on the tab above.

As a certified nutritional consultant, I am very much aware of the fact that people often neglect their health and nutrition because of the demands and stress of business and personal life.

On this site, I provide some easy to follow tips and information on keeping our bodies strong and energy level high as we operate our personal and business lives.  You will be able to read articles to do with health, diet and weight loss, nutrition and stress management as I write them on my posts.

But more specifically on my easy health, wellness, and weight loss diet, I share a program that I have found to work excellently for me with improving my health and losing necessary weight.

Just as further information about me, I am also an ordained pastor and hold a Ph.D. in theology which means that I do care very much about the whole person - spirit, soul and body.  I understand the frustrations and depressions of life. A lot of these have to do with the lack of physical, emotional and/or spiritual well being.  And this is what I endeavor to help you with in my consulting business.

Please browse through and send me your comments or questions !


Diane M. Hoffmann, c.n.c., phd./th.